Talk 4 Healing

Beendigen’s Talk4Healing Helpline offers help, support, and resources 24/7 through talk, text, and chat.
Started in 2012 by Beendigen, Talk4Healing has provided over 30,000 Indigenous women and their families with real-world solutions, without judgment, in a safe and accepting environment.
Talk: Call us at 1-855-554-HEAL and live support will be there to listen, any time of day
Text: Simply send us a message to receive support anywhere
Chat: Click on our live chat option and start your session to begin your path to healing
Wherever You Are, We’re Here For You
Talk. Text. Chat. Available wherever you are.
Our Trained Counsellors are Only a Click Away
Our services are fully grounded in Indigenous culture, wisdom and tradition and are available in the following languages:
- Oji-Cree
- Potawatomi
- Micmac
- Black Foot
- Anishinaabe
- Moose Cree
- Swampy Cree
- English
- Cree
- Algonquin
- Inuktitut
- Mohawk
- Oneida
- Odawa
Need Help?
If you feel isolated, disconnected, or you don’t know where to turn, it can be so hard to ask for help. Especially when you feel like no one understands.
You’re not alone. We’re here for you, without judgment. Our services are for Indigenous women and are provided by Indigenous women, ensuring support and solutions that will help you take control of your own life in your community.
Whether it’s just by providing someone who listens and cares, or more direct support to help in potentially dangerous situations, Talk4Healing is here to get you started.
Call or text us at 1-855-554-HEAL, or start your live chat session to begin your journey to healing today.
More Information
Continue the Conversation
Talk4Healing provides, in addition to culturally grounded live advice, personalized referrals and support to get you the help you need across Ontario.
Trusted services are here for you, in your community.
- 211
- Algoma Family Services
- Assaulted Women’s Helpline
- Beendigen Inc.
- Catholic Family Development Centre of Thunder Bay
- Le Centre de Counselling de Sudbury
- Le Centre Victoria pour femmes
- Chapleau Hornepayne and District Women in Crisis (CHADWIC)
- Chrysalis
- Counselling Centre of East Algoma
- Crisis Homes, Inc.
- Elliot Lake Women’s Group Inc.
- Fem’aide
- First Step Women’s Shelter
- Hoshizaki House Dryden District Crisis Shelter
- H.E.R. Place Women’s Shelter
- Kenora Sexual Assault Centre
- Manitoulin Family Resources Inc.
- Marjorie House
- Matawa First Nations Management
- Mississauga First Nation
- Municipality of Greenstone
- Muskoka Interval House
- Muskoka Women’s Advocacy Group
- Ontario Native Women’s Association
- New Starts for Women
- Rainy River District Women’s Shelter of Hope
- Riverside Health Care Facility Inc
- Sudbury Young Women’s Christian Association (Genevra House)
- Thunder Bay Counselling Centre
- Timmins and Area Women in Crisis
- Women in Crisis (Algoma), Inc.
- Women’s Shelter, Saakaate House
Counsellor Resources
We empower Indigenous women to take control of their own lives and begin their journey to personal healing in their own communities.
We provide comprehensive, culturally grounded healing and help in a variety of safe, accepting environments, regardless of location and access.
We’re here for you in your outreach efforts – a service for Indigenous women, by Indigenous women – available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across Ontario.